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Top Tips on Goal Setting 

I’m 42 at the time of writing and there are some things that I wish I’d started doing at a younger age. They are mainly very sensible things that a younger me would not have really taken on board as I was far too busy having fun and partying 🤣

Something that I now realise the importance of and really do wish I had started to do earlier is to write down my goals, also known as goal setting. The good news is, however old you are, you are never too old to start something new and every day really is a fresh start!

The power of intention 

Another thing is to recognise the power of intention and that everything that we do and all that we achieve really does start with just a thought. Have you heard of manifesting? 

It’s basically the act of turning a thought into something real. I read a lot about a year ago about manifesting and using the power of your mind. I’d recommend watching a movie called The Secret to learn more about this. 

The mind is just so incredibly powerful and all thoughts have the power to create your reality. That is why it’s really important to have positive thoughts and beliefs. 

Anyway, back to goal setting. I like to think of it in very simple terms and this is exactly what I do. This works really well for me.

An example of goal setting 

  1. Starting by really thinking about what you want to achieve is the starting point. No goal is too big or too hard to achieve. It’s like a seed that will eventually grow into a tree.
  2. Write down that goal and set your intention E.g I will pay off all my debt this year, is like planting that seed. You must do this to allow it to grow.
  3. Then break down that goal into even more achievable steps if it does feel really huge. e.g. I will pay X amount off each month and a little more if I have any to spare. This is like watching the seed germinate and then over time it will slowly grow into a sapling.
  4. Check in periodically with your goal. Don’t forget to congratulate yourself when you get to a third of the way, half way there etc. Feel proud of your progress.
  5. Achieve your goal. This is like reaping what you sow, the achievement is the harvest. Your efforts are rewarded. You feel great as you’ve done what you set out to do. Paying off a debt is very satisfying, you’ve worked hard for this and now you will have that extra cash for something else. 

Daily check in to stay on track

I have a list of goals on my phone which I check in with on an almost daily basis.

They range from smaller goals to some pretty big goals. For me, all my goals generally get me and my family closer to the big goal of financial independence and having the freedom to travel and live unbound.

I love to put this little green tick ✅ next to a goal once I have achieved it. It’s a bit geeky but very satisfying 😊

The list itself actually changes over time too as naturally circumstances change over time. Some goals never leave the list. They stay there year after year. These goals typically include things to do with health and wellbeing and working towards financial freedom. Getting my blog started is one of my goals for 2024! 

Goal setting is definitely something I will encourage my kids to do. Do you set goals? Has it worked for you? 

Thanks so much for reading my blog and please do comment below if you have any other tips or suggestions on goal setting 😊

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